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Charlton Horethorne PC > Meetings > Annual Parish Meetings

Annual Parish Meetings

What is the Annual Parish Meeting?

This is the Annual Meeting of the Parish to which electors, other members of the public and the local press are invited. The Parish Council reports to its electorate on what it has accomplished in the preceding year and there are reports from the Chairperson, District and County Councillors, community groups and any organisation that the Parish Council has funded during the year. The Council may also invite the local community police officers, neighbourhood watch co-ordinator if any, local headteacher and similar to address the audience on community matters.

The Annual Parish Meeting is a SEPARATE meeting from the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council. The Annual Parish Meeting should be a relatively informal event for the community whereas the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council is a formal council meeting at which the Chairperson and Vice-chairperson are elected, standing orders reviewed and the community plan updated.


Annual Parish Meeting programme 30-03-2019


Annual Parish Meeting programme 29-04-2018

Annual Report 2017-18


Annual Parish Meeting programme 07-05-2017

Annual Report 2016-17


Annual Parish Meeting programme 20-03-2016

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